Wednesday 14 December 2011


Tomorrow (now today as I started this post yesterday) Mike's parents are coming to spend the day with us. I had a beautiful meal planned. Unfortunately I can't make what I was planning on making because it requires a specific baking dish that I have not yet acquired. This really isn't a big deal. However, whenever this sort of thing happens (as of late) my entire world comes crashing down and I return to bed for a good two and a half or three hours (slight exaggeration).

What is the cause of such a reaction? It's taken me a week, or seven, to figure it out. These days when I react to something, I'm not reacting to that one incident alone. I am reacting to about five major life changes. So, while it is a bit ridiculous I think it's ok to get upset about not being able to make that specific lunch, or about the apple pie that I ruined, and so on and so forth. Though perhaps I should try to stay out of bed when these things happen and face them like a big girl.

Praise God there will be no trial for Sam.



  1. Eh, go ahead and get back in bed. Sleep will help you grow....or was that just when we were teenagers? Well, whatever.
    Miss you! Will you have time for the girls to go out at Christmas time?

  2. Not sure why my comment didn't post - anyway. Praise God indeed.
    Rest up - life changes are exhausting!

  3. Awww... I totally feel your pain! :-(
    I decided I was going to try to make a cake from scratch, and according to the recipe I need two 9x2" round pans. (Why the heck do I have two brand-new 9x1.5" cake pans?!?!?!)
    And not even a mother nearby from which to borrow... :-(

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Janet, If you are ever stuck again, I have a whole collection. Always welcome to borrow.
    Love your posts btw :)
