Tuesday 10 January 2012

Jet Lagged Reflections

I've been thinking a lot lately about my brothers and sister, my cousins, my aunts and uncles, friends and so on and the relationships that I have with them. I love seeing how the relationships have developed. Developed into friendships. I like seeing how people grow into themselves. Noticing the depth of character that most everybody has. I like that I'm friends as my adult self (ok semi-adult) with my sister, my cousins, brothers, and even my aunts and uncles. I feel honored that these people I look up to want to have me as part of their lives. It's encouraged me to have confidence in myself, and that has helped me open up to having more people in my life... And lots of other things.

I really, really regret that I don't get to have that privilege with Sam. As kids we definitely didn't get along, and as adults we rubbed each other the wrong way, being different in every way you could imagine. However, we did have a relationship and I think we were learning to appreciate each other. He used to call me all the time when he was in the army. I can't even remember how many 2am, 3am, 4am, calls I got from Sam. And we would talk for hours, and then he would put his buddies on the phone so that I could talk to them too. He called when he was on tour in Iraq too. Man I wish he was still around.

Time to unpack. I'm hoping to get at least one bag done, I seem to have a mental block when it comes to putting my clothes away.