Friday 30 December 2011

Christmas Morning Etc.

Christmas morning was very pleasant. We always get up a bit early (7:30am), and pray together, then eat doughnuts, and then open presents. My dad hands out the presents one at a time so everyone gets to see who was given what. I always really enjoy seeing what people choose for one another. It's an insight into what they think of the person they've bought for, and therefore a bit of an insight into who they are. Also, I love that people take the time to find something "just right" for the receiver. This is one of the times where I really experience giving and receiving love through gift giving.

Piper was hilarious to watch. She loved opening presents. Except she didn't call them presents, she called them "Happy Birthdays". Too cute. Her favorite gifts were two babies that came with a stroller, a saucer sled (onto which she piled all of her gifts crouching protectively over them), and a mini nerf gun. She made David reload and re-shoot that gun for hours. Highly entertaining for the rest of us. 

I'm really enjoying being back in Michigan. We've had the opportunity to spend good, quality time with our friends (which includes family members). Being here and knowing that I will be leaving again has helped me to be more proactive in how I relate to people. Generally I sit like a lump and let Mike do the talking (as I find him far more entertaining than I find myself. Duh.) but I find in doing that I miss out on the life force that comes from directly interacting with other human beings. Hanging out with everyone has been stimulating, invigorating, comforting, and all around very pleasant. 

Merry Christmas!


Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

It's been a pretty shit year. Approaching Christmas I've begun to feel more and more heartsick over what's happened. I still find it incomprehensible that Sam is dead. We did our tree decorating a few days ago. It was excruciating.

On the flight over here (Michigan) I read an article about the tsumani in Japan. It was a woman briefly describing the impact it had had on her life. People she knew were "just swept away" and her daughter may have radiation poisoning. Last month I read "Into Thin Air". A book about a Mount Everest tragedy. 12 people died in the space of about 2 days. Though these stories seem as though they don't have anything to do with my life, I find comfort in them. The unthinkable happened. The unimaginable happened. I find that other people having gone through an extreme... experience like that, helps me. I don't know why but it does.

So here I am. Utterly devastated, but experiencing healing through magazine articles, conversations with my hairdresser (woot woot Gaby!), and writing a letter to the Judge who will decide Kat's sentence. I find life very confusing. And though I lose sight of it frequently, way more than I should, I know that God is working. I'm trying to hold on to that. Trying very, very, hard.

Merry Christmas


Wednesday 14 December 2011


Tomorrow (now today as I started this post yesterday) Mike's parents are coming to spend the day with us. I had a beautiful meal planned. Unfortunately I can't make what I was planning on making because it requires a specific baking dish that I have not yet acquired. This really isn't a big deal. However, whenever this sort of thing happens (as of late) my entire world comes crashing down and I return to bed for a good two and a half or three hours (slight exaggeration).

What is the cause of such a reaction? It's taken me a week, or seven, to figure it out. These days when I react to something, I'm not reacting to that one incident alone. I am reacting to about five major life changes. So, while it is a bit ridiculous I think it's ok to get upset about not being able to make that specific lunch, or about the apple pie that I ruined, and so on and so forth. Though perhaps I should try to stay out of bed when these things happen and face them like a big girl.

Praise God there will be no trial for Sam.


Tuesday 13 December 2011

Home Sweet Home

This is a tour of our house. Enjoy!


Asda is the local supermarket. Michael and I go there every week and a half or two weeks for our "big shop". These excursions are always a source of stress. It's taken me weeks to get an idea of where things are in the store. Most of the brands that one would find in the US are not to be found in Asda. Yikes. We had some very icky butter for the first couple of weeks. I have that one figured out now. Asda is open 24 hours but is always completely "bunged". Adding to the terror is the fact that the shopping carts are not steerable in any way, shape, or form. A few weeks ago I nearly took out an old lady. She was not happy with me. Grocery shopping is an emotionally taxing experience.

Bunged: packed, jammed, super duper busy,

Michael and I are privileged to have a car, so we drive to Asda. The last time that we went shopping Mike told me that if I wanted to go shopping again I had to drive. As you can imagine it's been weeks. Just kidding, it's only been a week or so. Anyway, I drove to Asda today! And back home. Without killing anyone or wrecking the car, or anybody else's car. It was a big success and really a huge personal victory. I've driven over here before but not when there's been traffic and a real chance that I could do some damage.

Now I have to go do some dishes. Later I might post a video on youtube of a tour of our house.


Saturday 10 December 2011


I have recently come across several blogs. Some of these blogs are people focusing on their various passions (photography, fashion, dance, etc), and other blogs are more people publishing an online diary of sorts. This appealed to me. My blog (*cringe* boy does that sound pretentious) isn't necessarily going to be written for others, but more an outlet for me. I think too that it will save my Mother and my sister from being bombarded by too many e-mails.

I have recently moved to London, England with my husband Mike. It is very far from a home that I love dearly. I desperately miss my friends and my family. I often feel that I am floundering as a wife and as a human being. That being said, this is where we belong and I am peaceful knowing that. 

My name is Janet and I live in London.